LeAnn Gelskey shows off the Summer Reading section of the HPL.
When you talk to LeAnn Gelskey about reading she tends to use the word “joy” a lot.
Our local librarian knows all about the happiness and health benefits of reading. That’s why she and her welcoming team at the Hailey Public Library work hard to make sure they can find everyone a good book.
“We are trying to inspire the joy of reading,” Le Ann said.
With school now out for the season, LeAnn passed along some tips on keeping kids reading during the summer.
LeAnn suggested ideas like reading along to audio books while in the car or having kids reading aloud to parents or siblings. It’s also important for parents to model good reading behavior and LeAnn mentioned that kids with home libraries tend to be better readers.
“You’re trying to help the students build a joy of reading,” LeAnn said. “When kids say, ‘I don’t like to read,’ I say to them, ‘You haven’t found the right book yet.”
The Hailey Public Library offers school summer reading lists and LeAnn noted that if students can read six books during the summer break they can maintain their abilities. The good news is that popular books like graphic novels count. The bad news is that many local students aren’t reading proficiently at grade level.
But the library is trying to help by offering a variety of programs as well as a safe, clean place to find a good book, magazine or even a snack for kids who need them. The recently completed remodels have really turned the library into a bright and inviting place.
The Hailey Public Library is doing all it can to help folks of all ages find the joy of reading.
Here’s a rundown a few summer reading highlights.
The HPL turns 100!
The Centennial Celebration for the Hailey Public Library (HPL) will be held on Friday, July 19th. The fun-filled event will include live music, kids activities, food vendors and even a locally-brewed centennial beer. It’s sure to be the type of fun the “Legion Loonies of 1927” had in mind when they raised funds through a variety to show to re-reopen the library after it had been destroyed by a fire.
eBranch Excellence
The eBranch of the HPL literally puts the world at your fingertips and you don’t even have to leave home to access it. From food and recipes to travel, audio books and educational prep programs, to the largest database about Idaho you can find, the eBranch is pretty impressive. And all you need to access it a library card.
5B Reads
The community literacy campaign is trying to improve reading across Blaine County, where one in three students reads below grade average. 5B Reads is battling the literacy issues through a variety of efforts like putting book baskets in doctors’ offices and creating Free Little Libraries throughout the area. To find out more, go to the Hailey Public or Community Library in Ketchum.
Laura Primrose of the Hailey Public Library shares news about the EBranch.