2016 was a banner year for The Chamber and 2017 is set to be one of the best for our members and the business community in the Valley.
In 2016, The Chamber successfully helped organize and/or promote many events throughout the Wood River Valley. These events bring visitors to our Valley and help create a larger market for our members.
In 2017, The Chamber will focus much of its regional advertising into the Treasure Valley to increase awareness of the many unique events held in our Valley and build on the successes from this past year.
The Chamber uses grant dollars from Idaho Commerce to advertise the Wood River Valley to a drive-time audience. For 2017, The Chamber was able to nearly double the dollars of this grant, which will allow us to reach an even greater audience of potential visitors.
Are you aware that as a member, you are eligible to have information in the Welcome Center located at the rodeo grounds in Hailey? The Welcome Center is a “first-stop” for many valley visitors arriving by car from the south or through Freidman Memorial Airport.
The Chamber is also a business partner for our members in many ways. Soon, The Chamber will publish a list of training classes available to members in 2017. By working closely with the U.S. Small Business Administration, some of the classes available this year will be; Customer Service 101, Marketing 101, Getting Found on Google, Properly Setting Up QuickBooks and many others. These trainings help our members by making it easier for them to get foundational information and resources for additional help.
The Chamber also helps our members with promotion of their products or services to a wide audience. At nearly 10,000 followers on our social media channels, The Chamber is able to quickly update Valley residents and visitors to the many fun events or special happenings each week. Members of The Chamber have access to these social media channels and are encouraged to use these to help promote their organizations.
Finally, next month The Chamber will hold its Annual Dinner and Community Awards event to celebrate our business community. Nominations for Best Customer Service, Best Community Service, Community Improvement of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year and Business of the Year have been submitted by our membership. Organizations that have been nominated will be on a ballot for a vote by our membership with the winner’s announced at the annual event on Tuesday, February 7th. Events like this are important because they celebrate the organizations in our Valley that are having the most impact on the overall health of our business environment.
Please consider joining our team for 2017. The Chamber is doing some great work for our Valley and we’d like you to be a part of it. Contact our offices at 208.788.3484 for more information.