Dawkins Draft Horses with Hailey City Council members.
The Fourth of July in Hailey was nothing shy of magical.
Thousands of smiling faces lined Main Street for the largest parade anyone can remember. People packed the 4-H Pancake Breakfast and the banks of the Big Wood for the Wood River Land Trust’s Annual RiverFest. Tutus and Tennis Shoes had the most runners ever, while the Sawtooth Rangers Rodeo and the Fireworks wowed the crowds. But none of it could be possible without the help of our inspiring community.
The Chamber captains the ship for the Fourth of July in Hailey, but we are far from alone in making that day happen. Hailey is home to the best Fourth of July in the West because the community makes it happen.
It takes countless volunteer hours, thousands of dollars in donations, months of meetings, phone calls and emails as well as the support of just about every department in the City of Hailey to make the magic happen.
There’s no way to give all those who make it happen a proper thank you, one that fully encompasses all the joy that this day brings to so many. We just hope that the happy faces of folks from 1 to 91 that could be found all over Hailey that day helps.
It isn’t always easy to put on the best Fourth of July in the West, but it sure is worth it and it wouldn’t happen without the time and support of these people in particular:
-Every Chamber member—as part of all membership dues help support the event!
-Generous local sponsors like Albertson’s, Bisnett Insurance, Centerlyne Design, Cox, Clear Creek Disposal, Dominos, Friedman Airport, Hailey Rotary, High Country Heating, KECH/KSKI Radio, Ketchum Kitchens, The Mint, Power Engineers, Re/Max, Rocky Mountain Hardware, Serve Pro, Shorty’s, Sun Valley Realtors, Valley Maintenance, Windy City Arts, Wood River Inn.
Chamber President Todd Hunter.
-Chamber President Todd Hunter and Idaho Lumber, Kelley Schwartz, Heather Dawson and the City of Hailey’s dedicated staff, Chief Jeff Gunter and the Hailey Police Department, Chief Craig Aberbach and the Hailey and Wood River Valley Fire Departments, the 4-H Club, Sawtooth Rangers, Sun Valley Ballet and the Wood River Land Trust.
-Our all-star volunteer team led by GeeGee Lowe, Kim Bryson, Patrick Buchanan, Tiffany Cross, Jane Drussel, Susan Engelhardt, Shelia Kelly, Rachel Lee, Marlon Peck, Chris Roebuck, Michele Schwartz, Richard Stahl, Alex Stoll, Carol Waller, Tammy Young, parade announcer Diane Walker and the hard-working Chamber staff members Cyd Pearce, Tate Pearce and Shelly Enderud.
It takes the whole community to put this event together and to make the Fourth of July in Hailey so magical. The Chamber is thankful we have a great community to help us make it happen!
-By Mike McKenna
Wood River Baseball and Softball Association players enjoyed the parade.
Artist Ralph Harris at the Days of the Old West Fourth of July Parade.
Grand Marshall Lynn Campion and acclaimed Western artist Theodore Waddell.